
Enhancing lives

through Equine Assisted Therapy

Therapeutic riding uses equine-assisted activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and mental needs for people 2 to 102. Therapeutic riding provides all types of physical and mental benefits for our clients. Throughout the world, there are thousands of individuals with special needs who experience the rewarding benefits of horseback riding. A disability does not have to limit a person from riding horses. In our facility, we have all the equipment needed so that almost anyone can enjoy the benefits of therapeutic horseback riding, including an adaptive saddle and a wheelchair lift.

Experiencing the motion of a horse can be very therapeutic for clients with physical or mental needs. Because horseback riding rhythmically moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait, riders with physical disabilities often show improvement in flexibility, balance, and muscle strength.

The cost of providing services is $140 but the amount each client is charged is set based on the ability to pay. The balance is paid by donation and sponsorship.

Therapeutic Riding


per session
Sliding scale fees available.

Therapeutic Riding utilizes certified riding instructors who teach clients with developmental, psychological or physical disabilities horseback riding and horsemanship skills. Therapeutic Riding uses the rhythmic, repetitive motions of the horse to improve the client’s balance, flexibility, posture, and muscle strength. Clients bond with the horse, which provides the motivation to be successful in their therapy.

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy


per session
Individual, Family and Group Sessions Available
Sliding scale fees available.

“EAP” uses horses in the therapeutic process instead of traditional “talk” therapy.  The horse helps the client understand how personal behavior and attitude affects those around us. Once clients understand the things they are responsible for in a relationship, they learn to modify their behavior in order to improve the bond with the horse. These changes are then applied to their life in the real world with spouses, co-workers, children and other more complex human interactions. Clients develop a bond with the horse, which provides the motivation to be successful in life.

Horses Healing Warriors


Our program, Horses Healing Warriors, is designed to help any veteran, and/or their family members, with their presenting challenges with the assistance of our equine partners. It includes therapeutic riding as well as equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP).  EAP is an experiential form of therapy which requires very little “talk” therapy, and will be designed for the individual, or the family. The horses do the work!

We do need a DD214 or active VA card.  After calling for an intake, we will forward the appropriate forms to be signed.  These include a medical release to be signed by your doctor or PA. 

Team-Building With Horses
Call for pricing

The purpose of team building programs is to build better cohesiveness and cooperation between co-workers or group members. The team at 7 Star makes this an unforgettable experience.  In Team-Building With Horses, there are no lectures, everyone participates in the activities and all are encouraged to give feedback from their unique perspective. The horses do the work, yet the participants are able to identify: 

  • Leadership traits they didn’t know they had
  • Anxieties that affect the way they interact with others
  • Competences no one knew they had

All of this can be discovered in a non-threatening, fun interaction with a herd of horses and — the herd of people they work with every day.

For Team Building contact us for pricing. 

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